Viralnya kasus P Diddy yang menjadi pembicaraan internasional ini pun telah menjadi sorotan publik semenjak beberapa waktu terakhir.
Netizen yang tak henti-hentinya memperhatikan kasus ini selalu mengait-kaitkan postingan selebritas yang pernah terlibat dengan P Diddy, seperti postingan sederhana Jutin Bieber.
Yap, bukan potret dirinya yang tengah berbahagia bersama istri yang baru punya anak, Justin Bieber tiba-tiba mengunggah video pendek yang berisi doa.
Berikut ini caption yang diunggah "I believe this guided prayer will give you confidence and remind you that you can access your god given authority to lead in your community, your workplace or your family. I hope this empowers you with clarity and direction as you set out in your journey of accepting and walking in the authority god gave you! link in bio for daily guided prayers"/
Caption tersebut kurang lebih artinya seperti ini "Saya yakin doa yang dipandu ini akan memberi kamu keyakinan dan mengingatkan kamu bahwa kamu dapat mengakses otoritas yang diberikan Tuhan untuk memimpin di komunitas, tempat kerja, atau keluarga kamu. Saya harap ini memberdayakan kamu dengan kejelasan dan arahan saat kamu memulai perjalanan menerima dan menjalani otoritas yang diberikan Tuhan kepada kamu! tautan di bio untuk doa yang dipandu setiap hari"
Postingan tersebut pun lantas menuai banyak simpati dari netizen.
Banyak yang mengaitkan postingan Justin Bieber ini berhubungan dengan masa lalunya dengan P Diddy yang saat ini sedang ditahan keamanan negara.
Berikut ini komentar dari netizen terhadap postingan Justin Bieber soal doa.lukiee32 It’s time to walk away from Hollywood today my brotha. It’s time to lay it at the feet of Jesus and proclaim his name. Time to get to work in the churches! God saved you now time to use the vessel Christ gave you to save others!nay_menezess Glad your faith has gotten you this far Justin!!!You overcame everything that you went through believing in God and he gave you the greatest of miracles, a son ????????Justice for you and for all you deserve so much!!!!anakmerced God Bless You Justin, Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds”.rizzylee_olb May Almighty Allah continue blessing you ❤️❤️❤️sintiahsouza38 Amém????????????????allinworldexperiences G????D is with you!!!! Every time and everywhere ????????????????gretchenrossi This was soooo beautiful and powerfulvan_vanessaaa There is a set time for everything to happen here on this earth. God is love, but He is also Justice. May God bless you, be happy with your family, you are a warrior.????lizzyemaciiel Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life.????wandamarrero45 JUSTIN GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALWAYS ????❤️????GOD IS GOOD AND GREAT ALWAYS AND ALL THE TIME ???????????????????????? GOD BLESS THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD ???? ????????samanthatofanelli Forza ragazzi... dall'Italia un bacione...rinaaliagajimenez Justin, remember that God will restore you in front of those who broke you!! May God bless yousolsire03 TU ÚLTIMO ÁLBUM SE LLAMA JUSTICIA , Y ASI DIOS TE RESPONDE AHORA MISMO ????julianasps08????????????You trust, and now in the one who strengthens you, Jesus. ????????gleibbarra May you be able to strengthen your virtues. May you find forgiveness for your own faults and move on without carrying the weight of the past. May you learn to say yes to everything good that life offers you and also know when to say no when the moment is no longer healthy. May you make every day lovely, every bit of your moments and keep all your light and will to exist in the now. @justinbieber ????????
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