Biodata Hasna Rafifa Lestari
Nama: Hasna Rafifa Lestari
TTL: Jakarta, 2 Mei 2002
Zodiak: Taurus
Hobi: Makeup, watch movies, hang out, olahraga, and dancing
Passion: Expressing my style, my makeup, my creation in the visual colorful form (seni), analitical thinking about something viral/happening, influencing makeup/ skincare/style to people (komunikasi)
Motto Hidup: Never regret the decision, because we are the main character in our life, just go and move
Akun Instagram: @hasnarafile
Akun TikTok: @rafeefale
Baca Juga: Biodata StyloBebs Ambassador Batch 4 Stylo Indonesia, Chelsea Yohana Panjaitan