This day was such a special day. I thank God that on this day I was born again and renewed in Jesus Christ.It wasn’t only me, but God also brought two of my dearest ones @michelleearuan & @stefaniegabriell, into His family.
I’m grateful that it wasn’t in the days of the past, nor the days in the future, but it’s in this present day that I received His calling over my life.
I’m ready to let go of my old life and become a new being according to His ways. According to His plans for my life.
Lead me, Lord, that I may be faithful, bring glory to Your name in all my ways, and to spread the Gospel to everyone around me.
Thank you everyone for the warm wishes, God bless us all.
Yours truly,Elizabeth, " tulis keterangan postingan yang diunggah akun instagram @aruanmarsha (9/08/2020).
Seperti yang terlihat, Marsha Aruan tampak memeluk seorang wanita yang telah membaptisnya di dalam kolam pembaptisan.
Ia tampak memakai baju serba putih, dengan tampilan rambut terurai dan wajah natural tanpa polesan makeup.
Rupanya, tak hanya Marsha yang dibaptis, saudara perempuan dan sepupunya pun juga tampak menjalani baptis selam.
Mereka kompak memakai baju panjang berwarna putih polos.
Nah, menanggapi postingannya tersbeut, banyak rekan artis pun memberi ucapan kepadanya.
marcellsiahaans "Congratulations, Marsh!."
verlitaevelyn "Congratssss Dek, Jesus bless u ."
felicyangelista_ "Selamat hari baru, marsha Jadi pribadi yang baru dan Tuhan Yesus sertai setiap langkahmu."
nellylauras "Congratulations Elizabeth... Jesus love you.. Happy sunday beautiful." (*)